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  • 期刊简介

    发布时间:18/1/5  来源:本站  阅读 16837

        《中国药物经济学》杂志是由中国农工民主党中央委员会主管,中国中医药研究促进会主办,国家相关部门给予政策指导、全面介绍药物经济学理论知识与实践案例的专业性学术期刊,经国家新闻出版总署批准,2006年6月正式创刊,面向全国公开发行,新编国内统一刊号为:CN 11-5482/R,国际标准连续出版物编码为:ISSN 1673-5846,邮发代号:80-929。
        China Journal of Pharmaceutical Economics is supervised by the Central Committee of The Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party while guided by China Association of Promoting Traditional Medicine and the national relevant departments. It is a academic journal which introduces comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge of pharmacoeconomics.It was approved by the state Press and Publication Administration to started publication in June 2006,national issueoriented.New Issues of national unity CN 11-5482/R,International Standard Serial Encoder ISSN1673-5846 post distribution code:80-929.
      The China Journal of Pharmaceutical Economics aims to promote the application of Pharmacoeconomics in some relevant fields,such as the pharmacy administration and medical insurance.New Drug R &D and pricing, Clinical rational drug use,the rational distribution drug resources,clinical medicine and pharmacy,etc.. In order to give more publicity of Pharmacoeconomics and enhance the understanding of public to pharmacoeconomics we organize a large number of professionals from different fields of medical, pharmacy, economics,biostatistics,social insurance, health economics,etc..trying to combine their theoretical ,intellectual and practical opinions which forms an international point of view;to anaLyze and research the drug market of China in the perspective of Economics; and to provide right guidance to the Pharmacoeconomics Evaluation System for entering into the field of medicine and public health in China. The China Journal of Pharmaceutical Economics is the first major academic publication in the field of pharmacoeconomics in China which would be the most authoriative access for the community to get to understand the pharmacoeconomincs.
